Based on the “Elves and the Shoemaker,” the indie film, not the fairy tale. Ok, maybe the fairy tale. Loosely.
It’s funny. It’s a musical. It’s the newest show from Allen Robertson and Damon Brown of the “Biscuit Brothers.” Productions may or may not include:
A) Snarky-yet-lovable refugee elves who can rap using exclusively puns, B) Magical tap dancing shoe calculators and C) a shoemaker that can turn frisbees into work boots through the power of lounge singing! PLUS it’s fun-for-all-ages. You can bring the grandparents, the kids, the neighbors, the gal that does your taxes – anyone!
Did we mention the rap battle/pun-off? All elves do it. Only the bravest admit it.
Number of Performers: 6 to 12 (Variable. Performers can be cast in multiple roles.)
Other Production Requirements: ELVES AND THE SHOEMAKER is part of our Adventure Theatre series and is designed to be performed by an ensemble cast using the unique spectacle of stagecraft to tell the story. The technical aspect of the show can be complex, involving projections and elaborate design, or it is well served by simplicity, allowing the actors to inhabit the world and bring the audience along using simple, affordable stage techniques. The production accompaniment tracks are also available.